I suppose the next step is to get some of the hobos in there, too…
. I use curl
here instead of Automator’s Safari-backed downloading because keeping the data in stdin
and stdout
means I don’t have to clean up any temp files.
curl $1 | sed -n -e 's/.* xmlUrl="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/pg'
grep -o "<a href=\"[^\"]*\">Today's Puzzle" $1 | sed -n -e "s|<a href=\"\\([^\"]*\\)\".*|http://select.nytimes.com/premium/xword/\\1|p"Yeah, it’s a bit of a hack but it works. (If anyone has a better line, please leave it in the comments.) The
rm -rf $1
is there to cut down on the data going in to sed
, since sed
will print out the unmatched start of the line (and matching the start with a regexp is too slow).Not too much to say here. Three returns to get through the print choices, Page Setup, and Print dialog boxes, and a ten second delay to prevent a crash.
on run {input, parameters}
set xfile to item 1 of input
tell application "Finder"
open xfile
end tell
tell application "Across Lite v2.0"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Across Lite v2.0"
click menu item "Print" of menu "File" of menu bar 1
keystroke return
keystroke return
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
tell application "Across Lite v2.0"
delay 10
end tell
tell application "Finder"
delete xfile
end tell
return input
end run
authorization scheme on API requests. This is more secure, but slightly tougher to work with than HTTP Basic authorization.curl
and sed
, in a delightful one-liner:curl -H "`curl -s -d Email=e-mail address -d Passwd=password -d source=your app name -d service=blogger https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin | sed -n -e \"s/Auth=\(.*\)/Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=\1/p\"`" http://beta.blogger.com/feeds/blog id/posts/full
. Very useful for harvesting potential Blogs of Note. Extra props if it could do the same for blogs not hosted on Blog*Spot, but the logistics of that get tough.id
s or semantic class names.How horrible would it be to be buried by an avalanche. Lost under a huge patch of fallen ice while people try to dig through looking for you. I guess you wouldn't be without drinking water at least with all that snow. It would just be a clostraphobia thing, you know what I mean? And there would be no surfing the internet or updating a blog or doing anything mindless like researching 4 rv tub shower faucet.
Now call me an optimist, but we have about half a year's experience with browser.js and I'm seeing evidence of the opposite. Three good examples are allmusic.com, shockwave.com and atomfilms.com - they all had long-standing issues with Opera, they were patched successfully with browser.js and a few months after the patch, each site was fixed by the webmaster!As a web developer, I can attest that I want my site to work in Opera, but I don't necessarily have the time or know-how to fix this or that little thing. (Or big thing, like when Blogger posting was broken in Opera.) Having someone come and say "this is what you need to fix" is wonderful both for getting the results and also building goodwill towards the product.